Seabreeze Couriers Latest Job Openings 2025
Seabreeze Couriers Job Updates 2025
Seabreeze Couriers is now posting new vacancies. You can find all the applications on the company's website and the company will guide you through the recruitment. This company believes in customer experience and values its employee relationships. Seabreeze Couriers Careers has many vacancies for suitable candidates. No visa or other processing fees. Please read the details carefully and take advantage of this opportunity
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Whatsapp Job Alert: - Join Now
Job Details :
- Company Name - Seabreeze Couriers
- Location - United Arab Emirates
- Nationality - Selection
- Education - Based on Position
- Gender - Male/Female
- Salary - Discussed at the Interview
- Benefits - Based on UAE Labor Law
- Interview Date - 23/01/2025
- Interview Time- 9:00AM
Available Jobs at Seabreeze Couriers
Dear Applicants, We hope you have received information about current job openings and company details. Now let's see what positions are available in the company and if you can apply for this position. Look forward to these positions only if you are eligible. You must qualify to receive a response from the company.
- Accountant (GCC & INDIA)
- Requirements:
- Proficient in Tally and Excel
- Minimum 2 years of accounting experience
- Location: GCC & india
How to Apply :
If you understand this job, you can apply immediately. I provide the application link In below. Simply follow this address to apply and if you have a contact phone number you can contact us for more information.
Interview Location:
Musliyarangadi, kerala Breeze holdings corporate office (india)
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